Sunday 28 September 2014

Week 39 - all go in the garden!

This tiny toad was spotted in one of my pots and I had to take a photo of it.  It is so camouflaged that it is not easy
to see it.  Behind it an old owl tea light holder that lost one of its legs, now reclines against the wall watching over the plant pot.  Lots of lavendar cuttings surround the toad.

My compost bin is getting filled with spent veggie plants, especially the tomatoes, which are almost finished now.  I chop up the stems as finely as possible as it makes it easier to degrade.  

There must be thousands if not millions (not sure if I am now exaggerating here) of creepie crawlies in the compost bin underneath the new additions and I hate to see the mass moving and swaying together with a gentle whirring noise as they all get down to doing what they do... 

I use this plastic container to put my chopped bits when I am preparing food, and then it goes straight to the compost bin on a daily basis.   Used tea bags, celery leaves, end bits of peppers, onion peelings, lemon rinds, everything that can be composted goes in!

Leaves are beginning to fall so I am carefully picking them up and adding to old compost sacks with holes in them to make nice, firiable leaf mulch for the spring.

Below a sleeping cat lying in my rockery area!!! 

This fig tree was growing way out of hand and so I have pruned it back and it now looks much neater!

An elephant bench in the shade of the fig tree

I sometimes come here to sit and view the lovely countryside below...

Rosemary bush growing rampantly.  There is more than enough here to use in all my cooking!

This bay leaf tree got cut in half during a windy storm and we thought we had lost it, but is is now growing back very nicely.  I think I need to reshape it by cutting off all the offshoots at the bottom of the tree.

Roll on Week 40!!!


  1. I love your garden- and the views are superb. Was thinking of you last night. We were drinking wine from your region of Italy :-) I put Rosemary twigs in with my flowers sometimes too. It keeps the flies away. Roll on next week. After that, I have a Cert course starting so don't know how many photos I'll get a chance to take!

  2. I'm delighted to hear you were drinking wine from Abruzzo! I hope you enjoyed it :-)

    Yes, adding rosemary twigs in flower displays adds an extra touch, and I didn't know this keeps the flies away, so something new I have learned!

    Best of luck with your next course. I too may find it tricky to post images, as am teaching f2f and online for the next couple of weeks and doing an online course, so not much me-time......but will do my best.
