Sunday 21 December 2014

Week 51 - The Nativity Scene

I finished my Nativity Scene using bits and pieces from the garden.  I used some pine twigs as palm trees and the effect is quite nice, I think!  It's an improvement on last year's nativity, which was far more basic!  Some pebbles from the garden and pine leaves completed the scene!

This year I have added a cow figurine and I will buy a new figurine each year.  I tied some pine needles together and a few glass baubles to bring a bit more colour to the scene...

Cones in the background, freshly picked from the garden:

The kings bringing gifts....

I managed to get some pics of the Nativity scene in the main square in Catignano:

I think it looks really lovely!

The only Christmas card which shows anything religious this year from my very good friend Eileen:

More christmas decorations:

Even the clock gets special treatment at Christmas time!

Only 4 more days to go, and I am looking forward to a bit of free time to relax over the festive period!


  1. Not long to go, indeed. I will be using my crystal nativity set which I brought back from a training stint I did in Malta a few years ago. Very festive. I hope your Christmas is lovely.

  2. Thanks, Sue! Your nativity set is beautiful and very unusual, all in crystal! Wishing you all the best for a joyful Christmas :-)
