Sunday 6 April 2014

Week Fourteen

Another busy week has literally flown past engaging myself in teaching f2f.  The classes are both delightful and very hardworking, and are a joy to teach.  It has made me reflect on the following questions:

What drives me to continue teaching after nearly thirty-five solid years??  What makes me still want to learn new things and create new worksheets, even though I have enough materials to last a lifetime??  Why do I still get so much pleasure from my chosen profession?

The answer I guess lies in the fact that teaching is a varied job, each day is different, each class is unique.  It is impossible to get bored with something that is constantly moving, always dynamic, always challenging!

 My new padlet with the teachers:

I have received some images from home this week.  I can't wait to see my Cold Frame!!  It's looking quite good and the seeds are growing!!  I am so excited about their progress.... I am not asking K to prick them out as it would be too time-consuming for him, so am hoping they won't have got too straggly in a week's time....

Below Gladioli bulbs in an old pink washing up bowl.  I should have added more compost up to the top, so hope they won't grow too stunted.  The cut and come again lettuce is growing very well and the cherry tomatoes are looking fine, too.

 Nothing seems to be growing in the egg containers.  I wonder why?

 Runner beans are getting quite big ...

 ..sweetpeas doing well.

Taking photos on my journey home after school, I have noticed the beautiful cherry blossoms everywhere!


A lovely visit to Gosford Hill Secondary School with my group of secondary school EFL teachers. 

I was most impressed with the high standards and excellent discipline of the pupils.  Below some beautiful examples of students' creative work in the Art Department.

 A visit to Brookes University, to meet up for a coffee with my sister. She showed me around the new building and the interior.  It is an amazing piece of architecture and is up for a national award, apparently.

On my way home I spotted this traditional phone box, and my heart truly sank to see it has been converted into a cash point!!  I am a traditionalist, and this made me feel a bit sad in a way....

This year I really feel I have missed out on all the fun and excitement of IATEFL Harrogate Online, and I haven't even become a Registered Blogger, due to lack of time.  However, I hope to catch up with a few webinars and talks as soon as I get back to Abruzzo!!

Next week is my last one teaching my f2f classes, and I hope to have a very enjoyable time.  Roll on Week 15 :-))


  1. It looks like you're having a good time with your teachers. There are some really good sessions on Iatefl online, including the very controversial Sugata Mitra's plenary. It's worth checking out to see what you think. Enjoy your last week with your classes. I'm just getting back into the swing of things here.

  2. Thanks, Sue for your comment :-) I am curious to learn why Sugata Mitra's plenary was so controversial, as I haven't had a chance to look at that yet. I think he might have given the same talk on Connecting Online econference, which I attended, and I was very interested in what he had to say there. I am definitely going to enjoy catching up on some of the talks when I get back next week! Hope your week is going well.
