Sunday 17 August 2014

Week 33 - Back to the Chalkface

Lovely classes made my day on Monday, both Intermediate levels (B1).  I did phrasal verbs with both classes and below a quick comic I created using some new expressions:

I used bits from a fairly new coursebook called Life Intermediate with my morning class. I personally think it is an all-round interesting coursebook, with lots of extra materials, test items and useful lead-in ideas for teachers.  Maybe students need to be interested in National Geographic-type topics to fully appreciate it, as some of my students weren't so keen on the topic of nature and natural phenomena such as the Tasca lines in Peru, which was a bit of a shame, as I really like this coursebook .....

On my way to work every morning I passed the entrance to Bath Place, with its charming hanging basket and cobbled pavement....

.....and also the Sheldonian Theatre with its imposing statues:


This week I cycled past the world-famous Oxford Union, where countless British Prime Ministers, celebrities, and even former American presidents, have given lectures. I walked into the courtyard and admired the peace and tranquility of this venerable and historical  spot.

Midweek I visited Abingdon and admired how pretty the pavements looked with all the flower displays everywhere.

Sunday (today) I helped my sisters at a car boot sale and we had a lot of fun, selling unwanted bric a brac. Unsold items will go straight to the charity shops next week.

Home from home
I picked a few fresh flowers from the garden and made a quick arrangement for this display below, which includes rosemary, snapdragons, lavendar spikes and a yellow plant.

 Week 33 was very enjoyable and relaxing!  Roll on Week 34.

I wonder how my veggie plot is doing back home in Abruzzo.  K says 'everything is growing and is green' so I guess it must be doing ok....


  1. Oxford looks like an attractive place to live. Interesting to hear your views on LiFE, the coursebook:-) WE have got a full set of these but no-one has tried them yet. Will see what you think of them. Hope the kitties are well, and not missing you too much. Enjoy your time in the UK
    Roll on next week. Must go, Cairis is baking biscuits to go with a nice cup of tea.

  2. Thanks Sue! I think K is looking after the squadron very well, and they are all doing fine :-)

    I have decided to use my own mats next week with the classes, so won't be using Life again, but would definitely use it with other classes in the future. Hope the teachers in your school will enjoy using it.

    Have a nice cupp!!
